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LM100/120/180-series products each come with a Controller that allows flash-pattern selection. More than one product can be connected at the same time, but there is no flash-synchronization feature. If you don't need the Controller and just want to swap or replace your existing car alarm LED, please see our Replacement LEDs.
LED easily connects to its Controller by connector. LED wire length is 1.8m (5.9 ft.) for the LM180R/B & LM100B/R. All other models have a 1.0m (3.3 ft.) wire length. The Controller also has a separate 3-wire installation harness than is 1.5m (4.9 ft.) long. The 3 wires include +12V power, (–) Ground, and a (–) Activation wire that can be connected to the (–) output of a car alarm or Ignition or to our KCM-1.
You can choose from among 8 flashing patterns. The speed of each flashing pattern cannot be changed.
If connected with a VISION or SCIBORG car security system, the LED lights when security is Armed.
If you do not intend to purchase a car alarm but would like the LED to light when doors are Locked, please also purchase the KCM-1. If you instead are satisfied for the LED to light immediately after you switch off the Ignition, the KCM-1 is not required.
Average current consumption is 4.5mA @12Vdc.